Turtles, not having the power of speech, are not prone to using buzzwords.

What is a buzzword?

A trendy word or phrase that is used more to impress than explain.

People hear so many buzzwords day-in and day-out that they get numb to them. But there is one buzzword that always gets people's attention. FREE! This template is free for you to download and modify however you want. The only thing I ask is that you leave the link to me in the footer giving me credit for the original design.
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Alien pod-plants are popping up all over the place.

Alien pod-plants

Follow these tips to make sure your alien pod-plants survive winter's chill.

• Make sure tender specimens are planted in a sheltered spot, under large trees and shrubs or against walls.
• Ensure that plants with tender flower buds or shoots are not planted in east-facing sites.
• Leave the old growth of tender plants unpruned over the winter months. This will help to protect the central crown of the plant and take the brunt of any frost damage. If plants are cut back hard in autumn new growth could be damaged by frost.


img What's the buzz? The buzz is blogging. This template is suitable for blogging with easy-to-read type and lots of spots for photos and graphics. The right-hand column is an excellent spot for a menu.

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For external use only.
To relieve muscle stiffness, prevent bed sores and relieve soreness of sprains and bruises.